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4 listings found for ' mother' in Listings

Shawnda Clawson
Shawnda Clawson
 Texas, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Permaculture Activist and Nomad Artist — We are seeking Nomad Permies and Artist to help establish the Earth Mother Studio Permaculture Research Institute and Artisan Village in Lamesa, Texas

 Texas, United States  over a year ago


Veronica Tarozzi
Veronica Tarozzi
 Lombardia, Italy  over a year ago

[OFFER] Italian conversation — I'm a language teacher and would love to share some of my time for conversation classes in Italian, to spread the knowledge of my beautiful mother tongue language :)

 Lombardia, Italy  over a year ago


Kevin H.
Kevin H.
 Michigan, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Assorted Vases — I have assorted vases that my late mother had in her kitchen, I doubt I will be able to get very much for them, so I might as well share them here. I also have a 6th one that I have to find again. If you need some vases, you can pick them up. While I suppose I could pack and send them, I can't promise their safety. They are better to be picked up. You are responsible for any shipping costs.

 Michigan, United States  over a year ago


Cista Arceneaux
Cista Arceneaux
 Texas, United States  8 months ago

[REQUEST] My cell phone broke, this was my 3rd replacement this year. I am trying to get a house or apartment that my daughters and I can call home, a ful-filling habit/career that speaks volumes of creativity and problem solving so I can do what I love and call it work. A healthy society and friends that support my dreams and goals without judgement and advice that screams “keep going, don’t stop!”… if anyone has a good smartphone that works on att network and/or a reliable vehicle to help me and my daughters get ahead as well as a referral for a 2 or 3 bedroom home that I could rent here in Austin.. I would appreciate every moment of it and ride my hopes and dreams and goals long after the wheels fall off. Tysm ♥️Love, a not too proud to ask for help, single mother of 3 that could surely use some good news and positive perspective

 Texas, United States  8 months ago


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